船時間 | 2009/03/01 12:00 |
日本時間 | 2009/03/01 09:00 |
望星丸甲板に設置した『全天カメラ』の画像 >>一覧へ
天候 | c(薄曇り) | 海水温度 | 29.2℃ |
風力 | 4 | 風向 | SE |
気温 | 28.4℃ | 気圧 | 1009.1h |
風速 | 5.5m/sec | 波高 | 2.0m |
■3月1日 団役員コメント
With the last time adjustment before our arrival in Funafuti we are now 3 hours ahead of Japan and exactly 2 weeks into our journey. Despite the time lag and last night’s “Farewell to February” party, everyone somehow still managed to wake up for our daily exercises at 6:30. By mid-morning however it became a challenge to stay awake during today’s lectures. Now in the southern hemisphere and in warmer calmer seas, it didn’t take long for the ship to gently rock most students and some teachers asleep.
Terayama-sensei’s lecture about “Relaxation and Health Management” including a chance to practice massage with a partner put everyone in an even more relaxed state. Following this with an English class was indeed a daunting task, but I did my best to revive the students. For the first 30 minutes teams of students raced to find clues to solve a Murder Mystery. Part 2 of the class was “Survivor”, a group debate requiring students to persuade others to accept their choices of items needed to survive on a deserted island. I hope these activities expanded students’ vocabulary but also helped them build teamwork and discussion skills for all of the group research and student-led excursions during our cruise.
Immediately after lunch a team of students put their skills to use in presenting their pre-research about Funafuti. Focusing on Funafuti’s plight as the world’s fastest sinking island, students presented details about the history, culture and lifestyles of islanders and how they cope with their limited land area. With the narrow island already in view and after another week of sharing our own limited space aboard the ship, I can tell everyone is anxious to be on solid ground and explore our second island of the cruise.
船内の限られた空間で一週間を過ごした研修学生達は、小さな島を目前にして気もそぞろで、早く2つめの寄港地の地面を踏みしめ歩き回りたいようです。 (団役員 マーク・ハミルトン)
1 mars 2009
Les eleves du groupe 1 etaient en charge des photos aujourd’hui. Nous avons assiste a une presentation ce matin (professeure Terayama) sur l’art de rester en sante a bord du bateau et avons appris differentes methodes de relaxation. Cette presentation a ete suivie d’activites en Anglais guidees par Mark Hamilton. En apres-midi, nous avons fait le grand menage sur le bateau. C’etait le temps pour tous de frotter a fond, de faire aerer, de remettre en ordre, etc… Demain matin nous debarquerons de notre bateau reluisant, a Funafuti, notre deuxieme escale. Bateau reluisant ou non, la terre ferme sera la bienvenue!
<写真左:フナフティ寄港前の大掃除 写真中央:外国語講座のワンシーン 写真右:洋上講座(寺山団役員)>
■3月1日 1班のコメント
■高橋 彩美(東海大学国際文化学部国際コミュニケーション学科)
■原 三保子(東海大学海洋学部海洋生物学科)
■重下 彩(東海大学法学部法律学科)
■後潟 実可子(東海大学福岡短期大学国際文化学科)
■大西 利加子(東海大学理学部情報数理学科)
■新井 陽子(東海大学教養学部芸術学科)