


船時間 2017/03/11 12:00
日本時間 2017/03/11 10:00
天 候 晴れ
海水温度 29.0℃
風 力 5
風 向 東南東
気 温 30.2℃
気 圧 1011hPa
風 速 8.5m/s
波 高 2.5m

3月11日 航海日誌


Rodolfo Delgado (Rodi) 団役員

Students woke up early in the morning and did the daily exercise routine at 6:15. After cleaning, they had breakfast. Then, students prepared for Professor Koguchi’s lecture. They very much enjoyed his lecture about the reflection and production of light in paper and in the water.
At 10:00, students prepared activities and communicated with each other.
At 11:30, students had lunch and shared with each other their activities for the afternoon.
At 13:00, students discussed the activities and sports that will take place in the International Exchange Program at Palau Community College.
At 14:30, students gathered to form groups for the activities that they had previously discussed.
At 15:00, Mr. Kaoru Hatachi, a first year student from the International Communication program at Sapporo campus made a presentation about how to look for starts in the sky.
At 16:30, students had dinner and discussed their plans for their evening.
At 18:00, students gathered to discuss about their activities and sports plans during the International Exchange Program.
At 20:00, the group leaders had their meeting and discusses about how to improve food management in the refrigerator.
At 21:45, students submitted their daily agenda and prepared for bed.

  • 6班集合写真

  • 星空説明会

  • 夕方の甲板

  • 洋上講座


原 正樹
(東海大学文学部 アジア文明学科)


結石 将大
(東海大学海洋学部 環境社会学科)


前田 慎吾
(東海大学工学部 機械工学科)


手塚 英之
(東海大学観光学部 観光学科)


石井 海人夢
(東海大学理学部 化学科)


佐々木 丈
(東海大学工学部 応用化学科)


佐々木 慧太
(東海大学法学部 法律学科)


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